Andra Summit Sportsman Series-SouthCoast RacewayAndra Summit Sportsman Series-SouthCoast Raceway


                                                                                      Automotive Photography 

     Welcome to Automotive Event Photography.
I am a Professional AutoMotive Photographer andI specialise in -Motor X,Super Bikes,Rally Cars
Super Cars,Drag Racing,Formula One,Burn Out Comps,Car Show and Shine,Motoring Trade Shows
I am available for all competitors, clubs and media outlets and take professional  images ready for Print , Digital or 
just the wall at home.

I am currently accredited / licensed as a 
Media Photographer through-

CAMS (confederation of Australian Motor Sport) ,SPEEDWAY Australia 
ANDRA (Australian Drag Racing Association ) ,AASA - Australian Auto Sport Alliance

So get in touch today to book me for your next event. Professional Media Enquires please call 0418542356

Currently Published by -

Geelong Revival festival,South Coast Raceway Portland,Australian Drag Racing Association 
Drag News Magazine,Summit Racing Equipment,Motor Cycling Victoria - VRRC,Preston Motorcycle Club

So get in touch today to book me for your next event. 
please view my Automotive Galleries from the following Link or jump 
over to my Dedicated Automotive Event Photography Site at-

View My Automotive Galleries

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